I am bigender (male, non-binary) and I am attracted to male and non-binary people romantically. What am I?
I tried to find the name but uhhh
What's on your mind?
I am bigender (male, non-binary) and I am attracted to male and non-binary people romantically. What am I?
I tried to find the name but uhhh
I feel lesbian but also non binary, I've been told multiple times that non binaries can't be lesbian. Can i? I feel neptunic at times, but I guess it doesn't really fit. My partner is now non binary too and i wonder if me being lesbian invalidates our relationship, can someone answer my questions?
4 Votes in Poll
I might be dumb in asking this but whats the opposite of cupioromantic?
I know cupioromantic is wanting a romantic relationship but not feeling the attraction but whats the term for when you have romantic attraction but dont want a relationship?
I sometimes coin xenogenders and i’ve made a blankqueer term. can people add pages for coined xenogenders and blanqueer terms?
someone should rename this wiki to queer kingdom.. just a suggestion
I have a mix of feeling hypersexual and aromantic, i and romantic interest. I think greyromantic but it doesnt fit exactly. can anyone help?
I was an active participant in the LGBTA Wiki (on a different account) and while it had its issues it was a great online space. It's very nostalgic for me, and when the wiki migrated it kind of fizzled out. Many of the members didn't want to be on Fandom anymore, which I understand, but I recently discovered this wiki and I'd like to revive it as it's not very active. I'm not sure how but I do want this place to be more active
in my personal opinion, binary men can't be lesbian. i do agree with the rest of the justifications of "lesboy" that are on that page, but i disagree with the idea that binary trans men can be lesbian. this youtube comment i found words it best.
i'm not gonna comment on what he said at the end about endo systems because i'm not a system so it's really not my place to comment on that.
if you want to identify as a lesboy as a binary man i can't really stop you, this is just me sharing my personal opinions, and i wanna hear people's thoughts on this. i am open to civil discussion.
again this is my personal opinion and i don't expect everyone to agree with me. my intent is not to hate on or invalidate anyone, or to antagonize anyone with a different opinion, just share my opinion and hear people's thoughts.
To the disrespectful ppl changing the page without even doing research on queer history get ur 12 year old asses offline if ur gonna gatekeep how others are
The queer community is meant to be inclusive, weird, and free. Stop trying to separate the community because you refuse to allow others to be comfortable with who they are
Is this valid?
I made my own sexuality called Genussexual where you are more sexually attracted to other races other than your own.
Here is the flag
Hablo de neptunic, uranic y saturnic
There is a great deal of overlap with
https://orientation.fandom.com/ (formerly sexuality. fandom.com)
Would it be helpful to see about combining these?
https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Nonhumansexual Okay, so taking this section, if you are romantic it is nonhumanromantic that is how it normally goes with things that are sexual or romantic you flip it to get the other. Bambi Lesbian https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Bambi_Lesbian#articleComments "Bambi lesbian is a term referring to a lesbian who prefers less-sexual expressions of love such as cuddles, kisses, hugs, and other forms of affection over sexual acts." So if you are not lesbian and are nonhuman wouldn't that make them Bambi nonhuman? If not what would the closest thing to this be?
I've made 6 pages!
Pages to make:
Tell me if there's any other pages!
19 Votes in Poll
Idk what else i should add here but the page feels incomplete
11 Votes in Poll