Multigender, also called Polygender, describes someone who experiences multiple gender identities (two or more). It behaves as both an umbrella term for all multigenders and a standalone identity for those that don't want or don't fit a more specific multigender label. Someone who is multigender could be any amount of any type of gender as long as they have more than one, and they can experience them simultaneously or in a fluid way, also fitting under genderfluid.
Some common terms under the multigender label include include bigender (2 genders), trigender (3 genders), quadgender (4 genders), pangender ('all' genders to an extent), and more.
> Multiflux describes someone with two or more gender identities that fluctuate in intensity.
There are also modifiers of multigender such as multimasculine, multiple gender identities that are all (or mostly all) masculine/miaspec/mingender, and similar terms.
History & Coining[]
The term polygender was first known to be described in 1995 as having "characteristics of multiple genders, deliberately refuting the concept of only two genders".
In 1998, the word polygender was used in a transgender community on the internet called Sphere as an umbrella term for trans individuals whose genders were outside the binary.
The first polygender flag was made by an unknown user before July of 2015. Black is for those who feel partially agender. Grey is for those whose gender(s) change or fluctuate. Pink represents femininity. Yellow represents abinary genders/genders outside of the binary. Blue represents masculinity.
The first multigender flag was made by an unknown user on or before January 16th, 2016. It is unknown if it has a meaning.