Propevoicegender is a mutogender as well as an audiogender that fluctuates, shifts or changes when you’re listening to someone you’re close with, or care about a lot, talk
An example of this would be you’re Babycoric normally, but when you hear or are listening to someone you’re close with talk you may be Catgender
Propevi- can be used as a prefix for other genders, e.g.: propevigirl, propeviboy, propeviborderix
Propevoicegender was coined alongside Voicegender and Greyvoicegender
History & Coining[]
This term was coined on the 3rd of July 2021 by tumblr user icarusoblivion
The Flags were created on the same day by the same user and have no confirmed meaning
“Prope-” meaning close in latin, referring to being close to whoever may be speaking