Welcome to the Queerdom Wiki!
Hiya! Welcome to The Queerdom Wiki!
Here we try to focus more on the micro-labels rather than the bigger, more well known ones
All types of beings are welcome here! Just please be kind to one another, and remember to read the rules!
Important Pages
- Sexuality - larger umbrella terms for sexualities go here (eg. asexual, multisexual)
- Romantic Orientation - all romantic orientations go here
- Tertiary Orientation
- Gender-Loving-Gender
- Ace-Spec - all sexualities that fall under the asexual umbrella go here
- Allo-Spec - all non-aroace-spec identities go here
- Aro-Spec - all sexualities that fall under the aromantic umbrella go here
- Tertiary Attractions - all types of tertiary attraction goes here
- Exclusive Sexualities - sexualities that are exclusive to certain groups go here
- Exclusive Romantic Orientations
- Fluid Sexualities
- Fluctuating Sexualities
- Multisexual
- Fin/Fia-, Min/Mia-, Nin/Nia-, Xin/Xia- Attraction
- Neurosexualities - all orientations affected by mental heath / neurodivergence / neurodiversity go here
- Gender - larger umbrella terms for genders go here (eg. transgender, xenogender, demigender)
- Anthrogenders - all non-xenic/non-xenogender genders go here
- Exclusive Genders
- Fluid Genders
- Fluctuating Genders
- Demigenders
- Multigenders
- Masculine Genders
- Feminine Genders
- Non-Binary Genders / Abinary Genders - all non-xenic genders that are not masculine nor feminine go here
- Androgynous Genders - all genders that are both masculine and feminine or somewhere in between go here
- Xenogender - gender identities outside of the 'usual' descriptions such as masculine, feminine, neutral go here
- Neurogenders - all genders affected by mental heath / neurodivergence / neurodiversity go here
- Aesthetigenders - all genders related/connected/linked to aesthetics go here
- Coric Genders
- Kingenders - all genders related to kintypes and otherkinity go here
- Mutogender
- Biogenders - all genders related to nature and natural things go here (eg. plants, animals, trees)
- Audiogender
- Noungender - genders related to objects go here
- Gastrogenders
- Faunagender - all genders related to animals go here
- Plural Systems - all system terms
- Regression & Syskids - all terms exclusive to or including those that regress and/or syskids go here
- Reclaimed Identities
- Combinations
- Hoarding Terms
Gender Systems:
- Gender Systems
- Scene System
- Genderfluid Fragment Gender System
- Muto-Disordered Gender System
- Celestial System
Help Out Articles:
- Needs Rewording - these articles are copies of other articles (smaller articles are alright) or aren't too well-worded, help out by rewording them
- Unfinished - these articles are not finished / are missing information, help out by adding info
- Flagless - these articles have no flags, help out by creating some
- Needs History - these articles need history sections
Queerdom Founders:
- Planetary Nebula (Planetary Nebula)
- The Sapphire Collective (Sapphire Collective)
- Leo (helpfulgayce)
- The Nelson System (TheNelsonSystem )